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Erscheinung:21.07.2022 | Topic Prospectuses BaFin prohibits Juicy Holdings B.V. (also known as “Juicy Fields”) from offering capital investments in the form of investments in cannabis plants to the public

On 3 June 2022, BaFin prohibited Juicy Holdings B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from offering capital investments in the form of investment opportunities in JuicyFlash, JuicyMist, JuicyKush and JuicyHaze cannabis plants to the public due to a violation of the German Capital Investment Act (Vermögensanlagengesetz – VermAnlG). Juicy Holdings B.V. is therefore not authorised to offer capital investments in the form of investment opportunities in cannabis plants in Germany.

The prohibition was imposed because Juicy Holdings B.V. has not published a prospectus approved by BaFin for the public offer of such capital investments that contains the information required under the German Capital Investment Act. These offers to the public were made via the company’s website.

BaFin has not “approved” Juicy Holdings B.V.’s public offers of capital investments, despite what is claimed on various websites, on YouTube and in Telegram groups. The company has not filed a prospectus, as required under the German Capital Investment Act, in order for it to be examined by BaFin. Juicy Holdings B.V. is not subject to BaFin’s ongoing supervision in Germany either.

In Germany, capital investments may be offered to the public only if a prospectus has been published. This prospectus must be approved by BaFin prior to publication. During the approval process, BaFin checks whether the minimum information required by law is included in the prospectus and whether its content is understandable, coherent and consistent. However, BaFin does not check whether the information contained in the prospectus is correct. Moreover, it does not check whether the issuer is reliable nor does it examine the product in question. Issuers of capital investments must ensure that this is clearly indicated in their prospectuses. The issuers are liable for the accuracy of the information contained in the prospectus.

You can check whether an approved prospectus for an offer of securities to the public has been filed with BaFin by consulting the Prospectuses filed database on the BaFin website.

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