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Erscheinung:27.01.2022 | Topic Unauthorised business EU Option Finance AG: BaFin investigates against the responsible persons

Pursuant to Section 37 (4) of the German Banking Act (KWG), BaFin clarifies that "EU Option Finance AG", allegedly based in 42781 Haan, Frankfurt am Main, does not hold a license under the KWG to provide financial services. The company is not supervised by BaFin.

The content of the website justifies the assumption that EU Option Finance AG offers unauthorized financial services.

Providers of banking business or financial services in Germany require a permit according to the German Banking Act (KWG). However, some companies act without the required permission. Information on whether a particular company is licensed by BaFin can be found in the company database.

BaFin publishes warnings on its website about companies operating without a license as well as specific measures it has ordered against them.

In addition, BaFin also warns against certain transactions or business practices. For example, it has already pointed out the dangers of doing business with unlicensed trading platforms on several occasions.

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