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Erscheinung:27.11.2014 | Topic Unauthorised business BaFin prohibits Peter Fitzek and other persons and associations from providing deposit and insurance business and appoints liquidators

By orders with different dates, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBaFin) prohibited Peter Fitzek and Martin Schulz (both resident in Lutherstadt Wittenberg), the unincorporated associations “Kooperationskasse”, “Königliche Reichsbank”, “NeuDeutsche Gesundheitskasse” and “Königreich Deutschland” from conducting deposit and/or insurance business. In addition, it prohibited Benjamin Michaelis (Lutherstadt Wittenberg) and the “Ganzheitliche Wege e.V.” association from conducting any business to the extent they were involved in the aforementioned unauthorised business operations.

BaFin moreover ordered that these business operations be wound up and appointed a liquidator for all proceedings by order of 26 November 2014.

Mr Fitzek and the other persons and associations referred to above offered in particular passbooks (“Sparbücher” and “Sparhefte”) as well as health insurance, long-term care insurance and pension insurance contracts over the Internet. Thus, they conducted deposit and insurance business without the required authorisation by BaFin. Mr Michaelis and the “Ganzheitliche Wege e.V.” association are involved in these unauthorised business operations.

The liquidation includes paying back all unconditionally repayable investor funds and terminating all insurance contracts.

BaFin appointed the following attorney to enforce the liquidation order:

Dr Stefan Oppermann
c/o Curator AG Insolvenzverwaltungen,
Niederlassung Nürnberg
Äußere Sulzbacher Straße 118
90491 Nürnberg

He is in particular authorised to handle any correspondence with affected investors, to liquidate the unauthorised deposit business by repaying existing funds to the investors and to terminate the insurance contracts.

By law, BaFin's orders are immediately enforceable. Except for the notices of 26 November 2014 and 15 May 2014 (issued against “NeuDeutsche Gesundheitskasse” as a non-registered association), the orders are final.

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