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Erscheinung:30.09.2022 | Topic Consumer protection, Measures Press release | 30 September 2022

Product intervention: BaFin protects retail clients from unlimited losses in futures trading

Starting 1 January 2023, retail clients domiciled in Germany will be protected from unlimited losses when trading in futures. To this end, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) will restrict the marketing, distribution and sale of futures to investors. In contrast to the draft version of the general administrative act for which BaFin launched a consultation in February 2022, the act now published provides for exemptions: futures trading for hedging purposes will remain an option for retail clients under certain conditions.

Retail clients will be permitted to continue trading in futures if their trading activities are intended to hedge against real economy price risks. These clients must then give their investment firm advance confirmation that the futures are for hedging. Hedging opportunities are particularly important for agricultural companies, but also for other companies operating in the real economy.

Furthermore, futures trading will continue to be possible for retail clients if their investment firm contractually rules out any additional payment obligation and investors thus cannot lose more than the amount invested. The general administrative act also includes a transitional provision: BaFin’s measure will not apply to futures contracts intended to settle or close positions opened before the administrative act has entered into force.

BaFin prohibits the additional payment obligation where retail clients trade in futures for non-hedging purposes, since such trading may be associated with unlimited financial risks. This is also a response to the increasing number of mini and micro futures products coming onto the market, which – owing to their small contract size and corresponding low entry threshold – are specifically aimed at this customer group. By taking this product intervention measure, BaFin will ensure that the losses incurred by retail clients in futures trading will be limited to the amount invested.

BaFin can restrict or prohibit the marketing, distribution and sale of financial instruments if there are major investor protection concerns (Article 42 of the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation – MiFIR).

Futures, additional payment obligation

Futures are unconditional contracts that are traded on a futures exchange. They oblige the contracting parties to sell (short position) or buy (long position) a certain amount of an underlying asset at a price and time specified upon conclusion of the contract. Both the buyer and seller must meet their obligations to receive and pay for the underlying, or to deliver the underlying asset. In the case of long futures positions, potential losses are limited to the contract value, whereas in the case of short positions, there is no limit to the losses the investor may incur. Retail investors can only trade in futures via investment firms and cannot trade directly on a futures exchange.

Additional payment obligations require investors to deposit further capital that is necessary to cover losses exceeding the amount invested. To trade in futures, due to the leverage involved, investors only have to make a small margin payment. If the performance of the underlying is contrary to an investor’s expectations, this may trigger an additional payment obligation. Investors’ losses are thus not limited to the capital invested, but can exceed that amount many times over.

Anja Schuchhardt © BaFin

Contact: An­ja Schuch­hardt

Press Officer Securities Supervision
Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 4108 - 3262

Additional information

General Administrative Act - Product intervention; Futures

Consultation on a planned General Administrative Act regarding Futures

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