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Erscheinung:27.05.2021 | Topic Authorisation Market entry: Information regarding the authorisation procedure for banks and financial services providers on now available in English

New section “Market entry“ replaces the previous section “Authorisation” on the website.

Under “Market entry”, interested parties and applicants can find basic information on the authorisation procedure for the business requiring authorisation, including banking business, investment services, financial services, crypto custody business, payments services, e-money business and hybrid business models. In the individual sections, BaFin also provides an overview of the applicable key national and European legislation, the various stages of the authorisation procedure and the main assessment criteria. These sections also provide further information and documents on the submission of applications, such as guidance notices, guidelines, forms and contact details.

The sections offer companies and interested parties an initial guidance so that they can distinguish between the various forms of business requiring authorisation. They contain information on topics of material importance and on the stages of the authorisation procedure, particularly within the context of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). The sections present a summary of the special features of the authorisation procedures for CRR credit institutions, which are conducted by BaFin together with the European Central Bank (ECB) and finally decided by the ECB.

The information on these pages is intended to assist the applicants in establishing which authorisation application is appropriate to their particular business model and enable them to submit a complete and comprehensive application. The aim is to increase efficiency and enhance the quality of the application procedure in terms of content and correctness while ensuring faster processing times.

BaFin has additionally set up a new ”Passporting“ section which replaces the previous sections “EU/EEA credit institutions” and “EU/EEA investment services enterprises“ and explains the topics of importance in greater detail.

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