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Erscheinung:21.09.2020 Leverage ratio: BaFin provides relief for less significant institutions

BaFin allows the less significant institutions (LSIs) that are under its direct supervision to temporarily exclude certain exposures to central banks in the calculation of the leverage ratio.

This measure is valid from 22 September 2020 until 27 June 2021. Details regarding the measure and the corresponding conditions can be found on the BaFin website.

In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European legislator has, in Article 500b of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), established the possibility for institutions to temporarily exclude certain exposures to central banks from the calculation of the leverage ratio.

This exclusion serves to facilitate the implementation of monetary policies. In accordance with Article 500b of the CRR, BaFin publicly declares, after consultation with the European Central Bank (ECB) as the relevant central bank and in coordination with the Deutsche Bundesbank, that exceptional circumstances exist that warrant the exclusion.

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