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Erscheinung:24.05.2019 BaFin issues warning against fraudulent requests for payment

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBaFin) does not send e-mails to request the payment of fines.

BaFin has been made aware of a case in which a private person received an e-mail claiming to have been sent by This e-mail is signed with the signature of one of BaFin’s Chief Executive Directors. In the fraudulent e-mail, the recipient is requested to pay a fine via a logistics company (“Excel Logistics PTD LTD”). The email also states that the fine is linked to the new Anti-Money Laundering Act, which entered into force on 26 June 2017, and that the payment is needed in order to unblock a sum of money meant for the e-mail recipient.

BaFin advises anyone who has received such e-mails not to click on the link provided and to delete these e-mails immediately.

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