Erscheinung:20.12.2021, Stand:updated on 20.10.2022 | Topic Measures BaFin imposes administrative fine
On 3 December 2021 BaFin imposed an administrative fine amounting to 34.000 euros on a natural person due to a breach of section 114 (1) sentence 2 of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG).
An appeal was lodged against the administrative fine order.
Update (20.10.2022):
The outcome of the oral hearing was a judgment imposing a fine of 34,000 euros on the natural person. The judgment was issued by the Frankfurt am Main Local Court (Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main) on 17 October 2022 following a discussion of the facts of the case and the legal situation.
The natural person may lodge an appeal on points of law against the court’s judgment.