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Erscheinung:28.03.2024 | Topic Measures Mr. Delin Xiong / Nakiki SE: BaFin makes voting rights notification by way of self-execution

On 26. March 2024 the financial supervisory authority BaFin made a voting rights notification for Mr. Delin Xiong. Mr. Delin Xiong had failed to notify its voting rights in Nakiki SE.

On 26. March 2024, BaFin made a voting rights notification regarding Nakiki SE by way of self-execution pursuant to Section 6 para. 14 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) in order to fulfill the notification obligation pursuant to Sections 33 et seq. WpHG of Mr. Delin Xiong.

Mr. Delin Xiong has failed to make a voting rights notification pursuant to Sections 33 et seq. WpHG as of 9. January 2024.

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