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Erscheinung:16.05.2022 | Topic Fintechs BaFinTech 2022

Digitalisation is spurring innovations in the financial industry that were only visions for the future just a few years ago. Companies and their customers are now using services and products on a daily basis that were hardly imaginable in the past. Dealing with current trends in the financial sector is becoming increasingly necessary – even more so in the years after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which triggered more rapid changes.

BaFinTech 2022, which will be held in Berlin on 18 and 19 May, will offer the opportunity to exchange views and ideas. BaFin and the Bundesbank will be organising this year’s conference together for the first time. A number of short commentaries by Executive Board members of the Bundesbank and BaFin will be published on the BaFin website prior to the event. These will touch on various aspects relating to digitalisation in the financial industry. The first contributions have been made by Bundesbank Executive Board Member Burkhard Balz, who is also responsible for the Directorate-General for Payments and Settlement Systems, and Raimund Röseler, Chief Executive Director of Banking Supervision at BaFin.

Overview of the short commentaries:

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