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Erscheinung:29.07.2022 | Topic Consumer protection PRIIPs Regulation: how insurers inform consumers

Key information documents are aimed at helping consumers compare insurance-based investment products. Do these documents comply with the applicable provisions and are they easy to find on insurers’ websites? BaFin conducted an online analysis to find out.

Are insurers complying with the European PRIIPs Regulation’s provisions on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs)?

This question was at the heart of the online research (see info box) that BaFin’s Consumer Protection Directorate conducted a few months ago to check the key information documents of 20 insurers. BaFin’s staff specifically checked whether consumers would be able to easily find these key information documents, whether they were up-to-date and whether they met the formal requirements under the PRIIPs Regulation. The supervisors took a closer look at a total of 36 documents for unit-linked annuity insurance policies. A number of shortcomings were then identified. However, these primarily concerned formal aspects and were therefore not serious shortcomings, such as calculation errors in performance scenarios or cost information. The insurers have since remedied all the shortcomings that BaFin identified.

The aim of key information documents is to inform consumers about the most important features of a product and to allow them to compare different insurance-based investment products. The documents include key data and facts about the risk and reward profile and the costs, including various return scenarios and information on the consequences and costs that consumers must expect if they terminate the product.

At a glance:Online research

Online research on selected topics is a key supervisory tool for BaFin. When conducting such research, BaFin’s supervisors visit company websites to gain insight into specific areas that are relevant to financial supervision.

You can also read the expert article “Surfing on behalf of consumers” on BaFin’s website.

No major shortcomings

While conducting its online research, BaFin’s staff did not find any major shortcomings that would require product distribution to be stopped. For examples, shortcomings are considered major if a document does not contain any information on the risk factor or if the risk factor has clearly been assigned to a category that is too low.

BaFin identified a total of 91 shortcomings that primarily concerned formal aspects. Most of these shortcomings were found in the “What is this product?” section.
This section must include specific information, such as information on how returns are calculated. This information was missing in the majority of the key information documents. As shown below in Figure 1, the shortcomings are broken down based on the nine sections that must be included in the key information documents.

Figure 1: Breakdown of shortcomings based on the sections of the key information document

Pie chart showing the breakdown of shortcomings based on the sections of the key information document © BaFin Figure 1: Breakdown of shortcomings based on the sections of the key information document

Only one insurer with no shortcomings

In this sample, BaFin found shortcomings in the key information documents of almost all insurers. Only two key information documents of one insurer had no shortcomings. By contrast, one insurer had a key information document that contravened ten aspects of the requirements under the PRIIPs Regulation. Consequently, this was where the most shortcomings were identified.

At a glance:Examples of PRIIPs on the German market

  • Endowment insurance with profit participation (regular premiums or single premium)
  • Private deferred annuity insurance as an investment product with profit participation (with regular premiums or a single premium)
  • Unit-linked life insurance and deferred unit-linked annuity insurance
  • Term fix insurance (e.g. child education insurance)
  • Whole life insurance with profit participation used to reduce the maturity

Shortcomings remedied

All of the shortcomings have now been remedied. BaFin stressed the importance of revising the key information documents promptly – prioritising based on the significance and number of shortcomings – to ensure that consumers were provided with accurate information.

In addition to examining whether the requirements under the PRIIPs Regulation were met, BaFin’s supervisors took advantage of its online analysis to examine other aspects. They looked at the structural differences between the insurers’ key information documents. Here, too, the aim was to improve product comparability and ensure that providers met their transparency obligations.

At a glance:PRIIPs key information document

The provisions on the key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) can be found in the European PRIIPs Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014) of 26 November 2014.

These key information documents provide consumers with information on the most important features of a specific product. In particular, the product’s risk and reward profile and costs must be summarised on no more than three A4 pages.

Key aspects of the key information document include:

  • a product description including the determination of target investors and the intended purpose of the investment
  • a comprehension alert, where applicable
  • a summary risk indicator which describes market and credit risk in quantitative terms and offers qualitative data on liquidity (how easily can the product be sold by the consumer?)
  • three performance scenarios and a stress scenario on the term or recommended holding period of the product
  • information on the costs over time and composition of the costs, including for interim periods
  • information on the consequences of an early sale or termination of the product
  • information on how to file a complaint


Sultan Sevim
BaFin Division VBS 11

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This article reflects the situation at the time of publication and will not be updated subsequently. Please take note of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Use.

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