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Die Abbildung zeigt einen Überblick über eine Veranstaltung der BaFin im Plenarsaal im World Conference Center Bonn. ©WorldCCBonn

Zeitraum 11.09.2024 09:30 - 18:00 | Thema BaFin conference “SSM 2034 – an outlook”

Ort:World Conference Center, Bonn

SSM 2034 – an outlook: registration for the event is closed.

The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) began its work in November 2014. Since then, the European Central Bank has been responsible for the direct supervision of significant banks and banking groups and the indirect supervision of less significant banks within the euro area.

BaFin is hosting a conference at the World Conference Center in Bonn on 11 September 2024 to mark the 10th anniversary of the SSM and European cooperation in the area of banking supervision. The conference is part of a series of events in 2024 to highlight the ECB’s “Integration Year”.

In three panel discussions, leading experts will talk about the prospects over the next ten years and examine potential changes in the areas of products, banks and supervision.

Further information can be found in the programme.

Participation criteria

The event is aimed at stakeholders from the financial sector and academia as well as national and international financial supervisors and standard setters.

Interest in BaFin’s events regularly exceeds availability. We would like to offer as many different institutions as possible the opportunity to take part, which is why we only allow a limited number of participants per institution. It is therefore likely that we will be unable to offer tickets to all those interested in attending.

Participation is free of charge.

Registration closed

The application for the event is no longer possible. We expect to provide notification of successful/unsuccessful application by the end of July.

Kontakt:Cen­tral Event Ma­nage­ment at Ba­Fin

