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Topic Consumer protection Recognising financial fraud

High returns, opportunities to get rich quick, seemingly innocuous e-mails and job offers from BaFin – fraudsters will try anything to get their hands on consumers’ money and data. The pages linked below outline the dangers that are lurking on the financial market, the warning signs you should look out for, how you can protect yourself and what you should do if you fall victim to fraud.

Cur­rent warn­ings and no­ti­fi­ca­tions

Here you can find BaFin’s current warnings about unauthorised business operations and widespread scams.

More: Current warnings and notifications …

Symbolfoto zeigt das Verkehrszeichen 101 (Gefahrstelle) gemäß Anlage 1 Abschnitt 1 zu § 40 Straßenverkehrsordnung (StVO) als symbolischen Warnhinweis. (refer to: Current warnings and notifications)

© dreamer/

Recog­nis­ing in­vest­ment fraud

There are countless dishonest and fraudulent offerors on the financial market. Always examine offers carefully and do not let yourself be pressured or rushed. If you have any doubts, do not invest.

More: Recognising investment fraud …

Symbolfoto (refer to: Recognising investment fraud)


Phish­ing & co.: guard your sen­si­tive da­ta!

In this article, we describe a few common scams and explain how you can protect your sensitive data from theft.

More: Phishing & co.: guard your sensitive data! …

Symbolfoto  (refer to: Phishing & co.: guard your sensitive data!)

© Minerva Studio/

Fraud­u­lent use of BaFin’s name

Be wary of communications that supposedly come from BaFin. Fraudsters often misuse BaFin’s name in order to gain the trust of unsuspecting consumers.

More: Fraudulent use of BaFin’s name …

BaFin-Gebäude in der Graurheindorfer Straße, Bonn (refer to: Fraudulent use of BaFin’s name)

(c) Maurice Kohl

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