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Topic Consumer protection Recognising investment fraud

Has an unfamiliar caller phoned offering you the opportunity to buy securities? Have you obtained a particularly enticing investment tip via social media? Does an investment promise significant returns with no risk at all? Countless dishonest and fraudulent offerors can be found on the financial market. This article describes how fraudsters operate and how you can protect yourself from them.

How you can protect yourself

Always be careful when investing money. There are a few simple rules you can follow to protect yourself from scams on the financial market:

  • Do not let anyone pressure or rush you. Take your time and seek advice from someone you trust if needed.
  • Do not do business with offerors that fail to supply clear information. If you do not understand the contractual framework of an offer, steer clear of it.
  • Before making an investment, check carefully whether a right to repayment is set out in the contract.
  • If you have any doubts, do not invest. If you still have doubts even after receiving investment advice, do not invest under any circumstances.

Recog­nis­ing fraud­sters

Investors enjoy a wide range of options when investing their money – and both reputable providers and scammers are vying for their attention. There are number of warning signs that indicate that an offeror or product might not be what it seems. You can find out more about these warning signs here.

More: Recognising fraudsters …

Symbolbild (refer to: Recognising fraudsters)

© fotomek /

Pre-IPO shares: BaFin warns against du­bi­ous of­fers

If unknown people contact consumers without being asked to offer shares in well-known companies for sale before their IPO, caution is advised.

More: Pre-IPO shares: BaFin warns against dubious offers …

Abbildung von Börsenkursen auf einem Computerbildschirm. (refer to: Pre-IPO shares: BaFin warns against dubious offers)


In­vest­ment tips on so­cial me­dia: cau­tion is paramount

BaFin has some recommendations for investors regarding the use of social media – and explains when alarm bells should ring.

More: Investment tips on social media: caution is paramount …

Symbolfoto (refer to: Investment tips on social media: caution is paramount)

© tippapatt /

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