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Topic Industry figures Insurance undertakings and Pensionsfonds under BaFin´s supervision

Article from BaFin's 2017 annual report

Authorised insurers and Pensionsfonds

The number of insurance undertakings supervised by BaFin declined slightly in 2017, while the number of Pensionsfonds rose slightly. At the end of the year under review, BaFin supervised a total of 552 insurance undertakings (previous year: 555) and 31 Pensionsfonds (previous year: 29). Of the total number of insurers, 528 were engaged in business activities and 24 were not. In order to give as full a picture as possible of the insurance market in Germany, all of the information in this chapter also includes 10 public-law insurance undertakings supervised by the federal states. The breakdown of the undertakings by insurance class is therefore as follows (see Table 33):

Table 33 Number of supervised insurance undertakings and Pensionsfonds*

As at 31 December 2017

Number of supervised insurance undertakings and Pensionsfonds*

Number of supervised insurance undertakings and Pensionsfonds* * These figures do not include the smaller mutual insurance associations whose activities are mostly regionally based and which are supervised by the federal states (BaFin 2016 statistics – Primary insurers and Pensionsfonds, page xy, Table 5). ** One property/casualty insurer primarily offers Non-SLT health insurance (health insurance operated on a similar technical basis to that of non-life insurance) and is included in the details of the projection for health insurers in chapter IV 2.5.2. BaFin Number of supervised insurance undertakings and Pensionsfonds*

Life insurers

2 life insurers supervised by BaFin ceased operating in 2017. 2 undertakings were granted new authorisations. 1 life insurer from the Netherlands established a branch office in Germany. 3 insurers from the European Economic Area (EEA) registered for the cross-border provision of services in Germany (see Table 34 “Registrations by EEA life insurers in 2017”).

Table 34 Registrations by EEA life insurers in 2017

As at 31 December 2017

Registrations by EEA life insurers in 2017

Registrations by EEA life insurers in 2017 * CBS = Cross-border provision of services within the meaning of section 61 (3) of the Insurance Supervision Act (Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz). ** BO = Branch office business within the meaning of section 61 (2) of the Insurance Supervision Act. BaFin Registrations by EEA life insurers in 2017

Health insurers

1 health insurance undertaking terminated its activities. 1 undertaking obtained a new authorisation.

Property and casualty insurers

3 property and casualty insurers supervised by BaFin ceased operating in 2017. 2 undertakings were granted new authorisations during the year under review. 5 property and casualty insurers from the EEA (Denmark, France, Ireland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg) established a branch office in Germany. 1 branch office from each of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Sweden terminated its activities. 24 insurers from the EEA registered for the cross-border provision of services in Germany. Other insurers that had already registered for the cross-border provision of services in Germany reported an expansion in their business activity (see Table 35 “Registrations by EEA property and casualty insurers in 2017”).

Table 35 Registrations by EEA property and casualty insurers in 2017

As at 31 December 2017

Registrations by EEA property and casualty insurers in 2017

Registrations by EEA property and casualty insurers in 2017 * CBS = Cross-border provision of services within the meaning of section 61 (3) of the Insurance Supervision Act. ** BO = Branch office business within the meaning of section 61 (2) of the Insurance Supervision Act. BaFin Registrations by EEA property and casualty insurers in 2017


The number of active reinsurers under BaFin’s supervision amounted to 28 in the year under review. Another 5 reinsurers are no longer accepting new business. 6 branches of undertakings from the EEA (Ireland, Luxembourg, Spain and three from France) were operating in Germany in 2017.

Pensionskassen, Pensionsfonds and funeral expenses funds

2 Pensionskassen and 1 funeral expenses fund terminated their activities in 2017. 1 Pensionskasse terminated its activities with retrospective effect as of the 2016 reporting year. 2 Pensionsfonds received new authorisations in 2017.

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