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Topic BaFin Human resources

Article from BaFin's 2017 annual report

As at 31 December 2017, a total of 2,602 employees (previous year: 2,552) worked at BaFin’s offices in Bonn (1,893) and Frankfurt am Main (709). Approximately 76.48 percent (1,990) were civil servants (Beamte) and approximately 23.52 percent (612) were public service employees covered by collective wage agreements (Tarifbeschäftigte) and others not covered by collective wage agreements (see Table 29 "Personnel").

Women represented around half of BaFin’s employees, accounting for 47 percent (1,223). 78 employees were on long-term assignment to international institutions and supervisory authorities as at 31 December 2017, of whom 36 were working temporarily as delegates to the European Central Bank (ECB).

Table 29 Personnel

As at 31 December 2017


Personnel * Including those employees not covered by collective wage agreements. BaFin Personnel

A total of 118 new staff recruited

In 2017, BaFin recruited a total of 118 new members of staff, 38 more than in the previous year (see Table 30 "Recruitment in 2017"). The majority of the new recruits were fully qualified lawyers and economists, but they also comprised mathematicians and graduates in other disciplines from higher education institutions and universities of applied sciences. In addition, they included candidates for entry to the higher intermediate civil service, vocational trainees for the intermediate civil service and temporary staff.

Table 30 Recruitement 2017

Recruitment in 2017

Recruitment in 2017 * Excluding candidates for entry to the higher intermediate civil service/ vocational trainees. BaFin Recruitment in 2017

Career entry at BaFin

Those starting their careers at BaFin may undergo preparation for the higher intermediate civil service or complete vocational training in the intermediate civil service, among other options. At the end of 2017, BaFin had a total of 43 vocational trainees and candidates for entry to the higher intermediate civil service, compared with 57 in the previous year.

As at December 2017, 18 students (previous year: 26) were enrolled as candidates for entry to the higher intermediate civil service on the "Central Banking" degree programme offered by the Deutsche Bundesbank University and one student on the information technology for public administration degree programme at the Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences. Five of those students (previous year: four) began their studies during the year under review.

Nine persons commenced their vocational training in 2017 (previous year: eight). At the end of 2017, BaFin had completed training for a total of 24 vocational trainees (previous year: 31) in the following career profiles: administration specialists, IT specialists for system integration, business administration specialists for office management and media and information services specialists, specialising in librarianship.

Expertise through CPD

BaFin attaches great importance to broadening and further developing its employees' knowledge and skills and keeping them up-to-date on an ongoing basis. In 2017, BaFin employees took part in 656 continuing professional development (CPD) events (previous year: 673). The total number of attendances at such events was 4,029 (previous year: 4,037). On average, each BaFin employee attended a CPD session on 3.0 days (previous year: 3.1 days).

Whether for beginners, more advanced participants or experts: BaFin provides CPD sessions in a wide range of specialist areas to strengthen employees' expertise and soft skills. The CPD activities focus on the specific requirements for individual areas and also on interdisciplinary topics. Joint training initiatives, in particular with the Deutsche Bundesbank, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), promote closer collaboration and more effective international networking.

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