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Topic Anti-money laundering Account information access system

Article from BaFin's 2017 annual report

Pursuant to section 24c (1) of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz), credit institutions, asset management companies and payment institutions are required to store in a data file certain account master data, such as the account number, name and date of birth of the account holders and authorised users as well as the date of opening and closure. BaFin may retrieve individual items of information from this file insofar as this is necessary for the performance of its supervisory duties. Upon request, BaFin also provides information from the account information access file to the authorities listed in section 24c (3) of the Banking Act, for example to law enforcement agencies. The statistical data on the number and distribution of requests can be found in Table 6 "Account information access procedures in accordance with section 24c of the Banking Act".

Table 6 Account information access procedures in accordance with section 24c of the Banking Act

Account information access procedures in accordance with section 24c of the Banking Act

Account information access procedures in accordance with section 24c of the Banking Act * as at 31.12.2017 BaFin Account information access procedures in accordance with section 24c of the Banking Act

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