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Topic Unauthorised business Unlawful conduct of insurance business by Reichsbürger

Article from BaFin's 2017 annual report

BaFin has to take action against unlawful insurance transactions conducted by so-called Reichsbürger (Reich Citizens) with increasing regularity (see info box "Reichsbürger").

The various groups have not only started issuing their own identity documents, commercial licences and driver's licences, but are increasingly also offering their own insurance policies. These range from contents insurance and residential buildings insurance through burglary insurance down to motor vehicle liability insurance and health insurance. Even though these insurance contracts are only meant to be entered into with members of the respective grouping, this still constitutes the unauthorised conduct of insurance business. BaFin systematically takes action against such business. In individual circumstances where it has to issue formal instructions to this end, it also publishes these cases on its website,

The potential for loss is particularly high in cases where health insurance is offered without authorisation. Depending on the amount of the loss, policyholders may get into so much debt that they cannot repay it from their own resources.

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