BaFin - Navigation & Service

Topic BaFin Financing Budget

Article from the Annual Report 2016 of the BaFin

BaFin's Administrative Council approved a budget of €262.8 million for 2016 (previous year: €242.1 million). Personnel expenses accounted for around 72.3% of the projected expenditure (€189.9 million; previous year: €168.3 million) and non-staff costs for around 21.3% (€55.9 million; previous year: €60.6 million). Capital expenditure represented 4.2% of the budget (previous year: 3.3%). Cost reimbursements and grants were unchanged at 2.2% of the budget as in the previous year (see Figure 21 "2016 budget expenditure").

Figure 21 2016 budget expenditure

2016 budget expenditure

2016 budget expenditure Source: BaFin 2016 budget expenditure

Financing through cost allocations and fees

BaFin is independent of the federal budget and is fully self-financed from its own income. The largest proportion of this in the 2016 budget was attributable to cost allocations levied on the supervised undertakings, a special levy with a financing function (projected figure for 2016: €236.3 million; previous year: €220.6 million). BaFin also finances itself from administrative income such as fees and interest (projected figure for 2016: €26.5 million; previous year: €21.5 million; see Figure 22 "2016 budget income").

Figure 22 2016 budget income

2016 budget income

2016 budget income Source: BaFin 2016 budget income

The final cost allocation for 2015 was performed in 2016 (see Figure 23 "Cost allocations by supervisory area in 2015"). The banking industry contributed 46.9% or almost half of the total income from cost allocations. The insurance sector financed 28.8% and the securities trading sector 24.3%. The final cost allocation for 2016 will take place during 2017.

Figure 23
Cost allocations by supervisory area in 2015

Cost allocations by supervisory area in 2015

Cost allocations by supervisory area in 2015 Source: BaFin Cost allocations by supervisory area in 2015

Actual expenditure and income

BaFin's actual expenditure in 2016 was approximately €248 million (previous year: €237 million) and therefore €14.8 million below the figure reported in the 2016 budget. This was set against income of around €261.5 million (previous year: €243.1 million). BaFin's Administrative Council had not yet approved the 2016 annual financial statements at the time of going to press.

Separate enforcement budget

BaFin drew up a separate enforcement budget of €8.2 million in 2016 (previous year: €8.2 million). This included an allocation to the German Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (Deutsche Prüfstelle für Rechnungslegung) amounting to €6 million (previous year: €6 million). Actual expenditure on enforcement amounted to around €7.8 million (previous year: €7.7 million), while income – including advance cost allocation payments for 2017 – amounted in total to approximately €14.7 million (previous year: €14.7 million).

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