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Search results 1 to 20 from a total of 67 for search item " "

Topic Consumer protectionMys­tery shop­ping – BaFin tests con­sumer loans

(BaFinJournal) Whether furniture, electronic devices or clothing – many consumers are buying on credit. How difficult is it for them to obtain such financing? In its fifth mystery shopping campaign, BaFin sought answers to this and other questions. By Ulrich Quaas, BaFin Communications, in collaboration with Matthias Heinze, BaFin Consumer Protection

Topic Consumer protectionBaFin ex­am­ines on­line ad­ver­tis­ing and mar­ket­ing

(BaFinJournal) In an EU-wide mystery shopping exercise regarding the online advertising practices of investment service providers, BaFin’s tests yielded many positive findings – and revealed several shortcomings. By Lora Köstler-Messaoudi, BaFin Communications, in collaboration with Felix Scherger, BaFin Consumer Protection

Topic Consumer protection“Con­sumer com­plaints are im­por­tant in­di­ca­tors for us”

Whether it was about banks, insurers or investment firms: consumers complained to BaFin much more often in 2023 than in 2022. Christian Bock, BaFin’s Director-General for Consumer Protection, explains why this is the case.

Topic Sustainability, Consumer protectionEU Green Bond Stan­dard: strin­gent re­quire­ments bring greater clar­i­ty

The EU plans to make green investments easier: the EU Green Bond Standard establishes clarity and comparability for sustainable bonds across Europe. Providers of these products must meet a number of requirements starting on 21 December 2024.

Topic Consumer protectionDig­i­tal fi­nan­cial ser­vices: pop­u­lar, but not with­out risks

An analysis by BaFin shows that most people are careful when navigating the digital realm. Just a brief moment of carelessness or a knowledge gap can lead to problems, though.

Topic Consumer protection, Investment fundsIn­di­rect in­vest­ments in spe­cial funds: BaFin has in­vestor pro­tec­tion con­cerns about prod­uct de­signs that cir­cum­vent re­quire­ments

Many financial services providers are advertising opportunities to “invest like a professional”. Consumers can supposedly do this by investing indirectly in special funds referred to as special AIFs (Spezial-AIF). BaFin is keeping a close eye on these offers. If the risks are too great, BaFin is able to intervene and, in extreme cases, even ban products.

Topic Consumer protectionMys­tery shop­ping: BaFin tests in­vest­ment ad­vice

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht BaFin) again sent out test buyers to investment services institutions – an undercover campaign aimed at inspecting these institutions’ practices in providing investment advice. Some results were good, but a number of the shortcomings identified were significant. Irregularities were found particularly in …

Topic Consumer protectionLife in­sur­ers: when in­ter­est rates rise

Life insurers have proven resilient even in periods of low interest rates. Now they are benefiting from increasing rates. As a result, BaFin is shifting its perspective: the focus now is on the risks arising from rising interest rates.

Topic Consumer protectionOn­line dis­tri­bu­tion: home­work for in­sur­ers

To what extent do insurers make use of digital distribution channels? Has the coronavirus pandemic accelerated digitalisation? A recent market survey conducted by BaFin provides answers to these questions, and also shows where insurers are failing to comply with the statutory requirements when distributing insurance products online.

Topic Consumer protection“Strength­en­ing fi­nan­cial knowl­edge at the point of sale”

The German government has introduced an initiative to promote financial education. BaFin’s Consumer Protection Officer, Christian Bock, explains why the topic of financial literacy matters and what the initiative involves.

Topic Consumer protectionFaster se­cu­ri­ties ac­count trans­fers: con­sumers ben­e­fit from su­per­vi­so­ry re­quire­ments

Exactly one year ago, BaFin for the first time set out rules regarding the length of time banks are allowed to take to process securities account transfers. Are institutions adhering to these rules? A recent survey has shown that consumers are benefiting from the new rules. And there are advantages for institutions too: they are receiving fewer complaints.

Topic Consumer protectionWhen in­sur­ers do not pay on time

Insurance payouts sometimes take a long time to arrive. This can be a nuisance for customers – and it is often associated with financial disadvantages. BaFin investigates such cases, but consumers can take action, too.

Topic Consumer protectionCon­sumer Pro­tec­tion from an EU Per­spec­tive

(BaFinJournal) Statement by Verena Ross, Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Topic Consumer protectionSe­cu­ri­ties ac­count trans­fers: the long wait­ing times are over

In March 2022, BaFin set out rules for financial institutions regarding the length of time for processing securities account transfers. Initial findings from ongoing supervision show that institutions were implementing the requirements for the most part and that consumers were showing higher satisfaction levels. However, a number of weaknesses still need to be resolved.

Topic Consumer protectionPRI­IPs Reg­u­la­tion: how in­sur­ers in­form con­sumers

Key information documents are aimed at helping consumers compare insurance-based investment products. Do these documents comply with the applicable provisions and are they easy to find on insurers’ websites? BaFin conducted an online analysis to find out.

Topic Consumer protectionBe­ware of fraud!

High returns, fast money, seemingly harmless e-mails and job offers from BaFin: fraudsters use all sorts of tactics to get their hands on consumers’ money or data. This article offers advice on how you can protect yourself.

Topic Consumer protectionFi­nan­cial knowl­edge – room for im­prove­ment

Interest rates, returns, cryptos: particularly among women and older people, there are those who show a need to strengthen their financial knowledge. But there is one topic about which people in Germany are well-informed, as a recent study shows.

Topic Consumer protectionSurf­ing on be­half of con­sumers

Do banks and insurers provide information about alternative dispute resolution mechanisms on their websites and in their small print? BaFin investigated the situation.

Topic Consumer protectionHow sus­tain­able is Ger­many's in­sur­ance in­dus­try?

A BaFin survey on sustainability in the insurance industry shows that while things are on the right track, there is still a long way to go.

Topic Consumer protectionState-of-the-art su­per­vi­sion: mys­tery shop­ping

Starting in 2022, BaFin will be conducting mystery shopping in order to have a close look at providers. In a first test run, the supervisors examined the way investment advice was provided at several banks – and unveiled a number of shortcomings.