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Erscheinung:02.10.2024 Tak­ing a clos­er look at val­ue for mon­ey

(BaFinJournal) Life insurance products play a very significant role in retirement provision for many consumers. BaFin’s insurance supervision sector is currently closely examining the value for money provided by certain products and their providers. The initial findings are now available. By Kaj Hanefeld, Roland Paetzold and Dr Guido Werner, BaFin Insurance Supervision

More: Taking a closer look at value for money …

Erscheinung:01.10.2024 | Topic Measures ADLER Re­al Es­tate GmbH: BaFin im­pos­es ad­min­is­tra­tive fine

On 20 September 2024, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) imposed an administrative fine amounting to 140,000 euros on ADLER Real Estate GmbH. The reason was a breach of that company’s duty of oversight in connection with a contravention of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (WpHG)). The company failed to publish an announcement stating the date from which and the website on which the annual financial report for the financial year 2020 was made publicly available.

More: Announcement on ADLER Real Estate GmbH …

Warnings and notes for consumers

Erscheinung:04.10.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection BaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site swis­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

More: BaFin warns consumers about the website …

Erscheinung:01.10.2024 | Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protection LC-Markt LTD: BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, the operators are providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

More: LC-Markt LTD: BaFin warns consumers about website …