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Search results 1 to 20 from a total of 663 for search item " "

Topic Consumer protection, Unauthorised businessRIDGE Deutsch­land: BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, several financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Consumer protection, Unauthorised BaFin warns con­sumers about JustTwoTrade

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the services offered on the website According to information available to BaFin, the operator JustTwoTrade is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Consumer protection, Unauthorised businessIden­ti­ty fraud: BaFin warns against the web­site von-go­ertz-u-von-wris­

The Financial Supervisory Authority BaFin warns against offers from the alleged GW Vermögensverwaltung. It is suspected that the operators of the website are providing banking transactions and financial or investment services without the required authorisation. The company, allegedly based in Frankfurt am Main, offers the opening of overnight and fixed-term deposit …

Topic Consumer protection, Unauthorised businessIden­ti­ty theft: BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation. BaFin expressly points out that the licensed securities institutions CMC Markets Germany GmbH and Pepperstone GmbH contrary to the information in the …

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionin­vest­m­ BaFin warns con­sumers about the In­vest­ment-Group

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the company Investment-Group and the services it is offering. BaFin suspects the unknown operators of the website of offering consumers financial and investment services without the required authorisation. In particular, the company is offering investments in cryptoassets.

Topic Prospectuses, Consumer protectionasu­co Ver­triebs GmbH: Ev­i­dence in­di­cates no prospec­tus pub­lished

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has evidence indicating that asuco Vertriebs GmbH is offering capital investments to the public in Germany in the form of registered bonds from asuco Immobilien-Sachwerte GmbH & Co. KG. These bonds are being offered under the names “ZweitmarktZins 35-2023” and “ZweitmarktZins 43-2023”.

Topic Consumer protection, Unauthorised businessteagold­ BaFin in­ves­ti­gates the com­pa­ny Teagold­en

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the company Teagolden and the services it is offering. BaFin has information that the company is offering banking business and/or financial services on its website without the required authorisation. The company is not supervised by BaFin.

Topic Prospectuses, Consumer protectionFyshr AG: ev­i­dence in­di­cates no se­cu­ri­ties in­for­ma­tion sheet pub­lished

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has sufficient grounds to suspect that Fyshr AG is offering securities in the form of shares to the public in Germany, without the required securities information sheet. The shares have a nominal value of 1,0166 Euro and an issue price of 1,50 Euro. There are no indications that the conditions for exemption from this requirement are met.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionBaFin warns against plat­forms ad­ver­tis­ing “The best trad­ing cryp­tocur­ren­cy as­sets"

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about online trading platforms featuring the sentence “Der beste Handel mit Kryptowährungswerten” (or “The best trading cryptocurrency assets”) on their homepage. According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on these websites without the required authorisation. Each of these …

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectiongen­e­sis-cap­i­ BaFin warns con­sumers about Gen­e­sis Cap­i­tals

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the company Genesis Capitals and the services it is offering. BaFin suspects the operators of the website of offering consumers financial and investment services without the required authorisation. The website claims to be operated by MMS Singular LTD, which purportedly has its registered office in …

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionATB­mar­ket­sPRO: BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site atb­mar­ket­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the services offered on the website According to information available to BaFin, the operator is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionFinIn­sid­er: BaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site finin­sid­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the services offered on the website According to information available to BaFin, FinInsider is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionVin­tage Group: BaFin in­ves­ti­gates pur­port­ed sale of shares in North­volt AB

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the company Vintage Group and the services it is offering. The company is offering financial and investment services without authorisation under the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz – KWG) or the German Investment Firm Act (Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz – WpIG). Specifically, the company is leading investors to believe it …

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionBaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site bain­cap­i­

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionBaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectioniq­cap­i­tal­in­ BaFin warns con­sumers about IQ Cap­i­tal In­vest

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the company IQ Capital Invest and the services it is offering. BaFin suspects the unknown operators of the website of offering consumers financial and investment services without the required authorisation. The operators claim to offer consumers trading accounts for transactions in currencies, shares and …

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionRIDGE Deutsch­land: BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, several financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionIden­ti­ty fraud: BaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site ac­tiv­

BaFin warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, the company ActivTrades GmbH is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionSan­bar­net group lim­it­ed: BaFin warns con­sumers about the web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, Sanbarnet group limited is providing financial and investment services on this website without the required authorisation.

Topic Unauthorised business, Consumer protectionvor­tex­cap­i­ BaFin warns con­sumers about web­site

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) warns consumers about the website According to information available to BaFin, financial and investment services are being provided on this website without the required authorisation.