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Medium-term objectives

In order to fulfil this task as effectively as possible, following a preventive approach towards supervision, BaFin has set itself ten medium-term objectives, which are all given equal priority.

BaFin’s medium-term objectives

As the integrated supervisory authority for the German financial market, BaFin is tasked with ensuring the proper functioning, stability and integrity of the German financial market and protecting the collective interests of consumers.

In order to fulfil this task as effectively as possible, following a preventive approach towards supervision, BaFin has set itself ten medium-term objectives, which are all given equal priority. These objectives are to guide BaFin’s actions from 2022 to 2025. BaFin formulated the objectives based on the current risks in the financial sector as well as risks that may arise in future. BaFin has integrated its previous digitalisation strategy into its medium-term objectives. Over the coming years, BaFin intends to make significant progress in all of the fields of activity identified.

1. Stability and security
BaFin aims to ensure that the companies it supervises and the financial system as a whole are resilient to stress in multiple scenarios – particularly interest rate and market-driven scenarios – in terms of both capital and liquidity. BaFin puts particular weight on conducting its own scenario analyses.
BaFin assesses the long-term viability of business models, especially in light of digitalisation..

2. Operational resilience
BaFin monitors the operational stability and security of the companies it supervises – with a particular focus on their technology platforms. It focuses on combating the sharp increase in cyber risks and the changes in companies’ risk profiles caused by the fragmentation of the value chain, especially due to outsourcing.

3. Problem companies
BaFin identifies at an early stage weak companies, and companies with problematic business models, inadequate control systems or insufficient governance. BaFin takes corrective measures directly and visibly; on the basis of well-prepared resolution strategies, it oversees any market exits that become necessary, seeking to keep losses for clients and creditors to a minimum.

4. Money laundering prevention
The fight against money laundering is an integral part of BaFin’s supervision of financial institutions. Through its supervision, BaFin reduces the susceptibility of the financial industry to money laundering.
The control mechanisms and systems that companies have in place to prevent money laundering must be highly effective. BaFin intensifies its supervisory activities in this area.
It cooperates with all relevant authorities in efforts to prevent money laundering and is committed to building effective European anti-money laundering supervision.

5. Consumer protection
BaFin pursues a clear strategy in the context of collective consumer protection.
Its aim is to ensure that the public is better informed and to deter dubious providers.
BaFin effectively contributes to consumer information, particularly by communicating in a way that is geared to the target audience – including the use of social media. Through targeted consumer information, BaFin helps enable consumers to protect themselves.
BaFin issues specific warnings regarding individual products and practices or intervenes when these could potentially damage groups of retail investors and depositors.
BaFin also addresses the special challenges that distribution channels pose for consumer protection as an integral part of its supervision of financial institutions.

6. Market supervision
BaFin sets up an effective, single-tier financial reporting enforcement process.
Here, as in the area of market supervision in general, BaFin ensures market participants are deterred from dishonest market behaviour and aggressive accounting practices.

7. Sustainability
BaFin integrates sustainability issues in its supervisory activities. Its focus in this respect is on the analysis and mitigation of financial risks for the supervised undertakings and on their compliance with disclosure requirements.
In order to protect consumers, BaFin combats misleading marketing practices (“greenwashing”).

8. Innovation
BaFin has a comprehensive understanding of how new technologies are being used on the market, the risks they involve and their impact on new and old business models. BaFin responds to these issues in its operational supervision and rule-setting, without favouring specific technologies or business models. Customers should be able to benefit from innovation without being unduly exposed to technology-driven risks.
BaFin also focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in finance and the challenges this entails for effective supervision.

9. Modernisation and a bold supervisory culture
BaFin continuously develops its working methods and supervisory culture, for example by digitalising its processes and using modern technologies in supervisory activities to increase the speed and the quality of its supervisory decisions.
Efficiency gains achieved are reinvested to make BaFin more effective within its available resources.

10. Human resources development
BaFin is an attractive employer for highly qualified personnel. It offers both specialists and managers equivalent career opportunities.
BaFin promotes a culture of performance. Internal and international mobility is an inherent part of human resources development.

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