BaFin - Navigation & Service

Stand:updated on 26.07.2024 | Topic BaFin Contact us

The best way to get in touch with BaFin depends on your reason for contacting us. Please see the sections below for further information.


Market participants

Consumer enquiries and complaints

Consumers can lodge complaints with BaFin relating to the companies under its supervision. The consumer helpline can also be a useful point of contact for questions regarding supervised companies, consumer protection in the finance industry, or complaints you intend to make about the companies that BaFin supervises.

You can submit your complaint to BaFin using an online form (only available in German).

BaFin’s consumer helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. and can be reached by dialling 0 800 2 100 500 or +49 (0) 228 299 70 299 (from outside Germany).

If you have any other questions relating to supervision you can also contact BaFin via our general contact form.


Non-German companies and issuers of securities

Questions regarding the requirement for authorisation

Other questions relating to supervision

Potential applicants

Questions and problems regarding the BaFin website

Telephone, fax and e-mail

Telephone: +49(0)228 / 4108 0
Fax: +49(0)228 / 4108 1550

Please note that only attachments up to a maximum size of 14 MB are allowed. Password-protected and ZIP files will not be accepted. For more information, please see our instructions concerning secure e-mail communication and e-mail communication to replace the legal written form.

BaFin’s consumer helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. and can be reached by dialling 0 800 2 100 500 or +49 (0) 228 299 70 299 (from outside Germany).

Postal address



Information:Secure e-mail communication and e-mail communication to replace the legal written form

In addition to the contact information provided above, you can send confidential information and documents to BaFin by encrypted e-mail.

Electronic documents that are to replace the legally prescribed written form within the meaning of section 3a (2) of the German Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG) must be sent to one of the addresses for electronic communication that BaFin provides for this purpose in order to have legal effect.

Offices and how to find us

BaFin has a number of offices in Bonn and Frankfurt am Main.

Addresses for all offices with directions and transport information

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