BaFin - Navigation & Service

Questions on the authorisation requirement for financial businesses

We need specific information from you to help us answer your questions on the authorisation requirement for financial businesses.

For this reason, please send your enquiry in writing and include the following information:

  • Company name
  • Business address of the company concerned
  • Your name and address
  • Your relationship to the company
  • Description of the business plan
  • Draft contracts and, if relevant, partnership agreements
  • Promotional materials

Please describe your business plan as extensively as possible and indicate how, by whom and in what form the activities will be conducted.

Please send this information to the following address:

Contact: Bun­de­sanstalt für Fi­nanz­di­en­stleis­tungsauf­sicht

Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn

or by e-mail to with the subject “Authorisation requirement for financial businesses”.

Additional information

Insurance undertakings

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