BaFin - Navigation & Service

Report Violation

Information on how to fill out the online form

* Mandatory field

Before submitting your report, please note the following information:

  • Read the general explanations and further information on our homepage.
  • Check whether an internal report to the employer concerned is also an option for you. Internal reporting is often the best way to get information to the entity that can most quickly investigate and resolve the violation.
  • Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or are unsure.

Information on the responsibility of the BaFin whistleblower office:

  • BaFin's whistleblowing office is responsible for reporting violations in the area of financial services, financial products and financial markets as well as combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • For information in a professional context in the field of criminal law, administrative offense law (insofar as the violated regulation serves to protect life, limb or health or the protection of the rights of employees or their representative bodies), public procurement, product safety and conformity, road safety, environmental protection, radiation protection and nuclear safety, food and feed safety, animal health and animal welfare, public health, consumer protection, protection of privacy and personal data as well as security of network and information systems, protection of the financial interests of the European Union, state aid and other internal market regulations (Regulations of the European Union on the free movement of goods, people, services and capital), BaFin is not responsible. Please contact the external reporting office of the Federal Office of Justice directly.
  • BaFin is also not responsible for reports of violations in the area of competition and cartel law or misconduct by large online platforms on digital markets (DMA - digital markets act). Please contact the external reporting office of the Federal Cartel Office directly.
  • If the BaFin whistleblowing office is not responsible, your report will be forwarded to the responsible office while maintaining the confidentiality of your identity.

Important processing information:

  • Your report will be treated with the confidentiality of your identity. Under certain legal conditions, however, we may be required to disclose your identity to other authorities (e.g. at the request of the law enforcement authorities in criminal matters or by court order).
  • If you submit your report anonymously and do not provide any means of contact, we will not have the opportunity to contact you if you have any further questions or to inform you about the status of the procedure or the completion of the examination.
  • The documentation of your report will be deleted three years after the end of the procedure. After this point in time, documents from the whistleblower procedure are no longer available as evidence. If necessary, please save or print your entry before sending.
By confirming that you have taken note of the information, you also confirm that at the time of reporting you had sufficient reason to believe that the information you reported is true and that you are aware of the possible criminal liability of intentionally false information. You must therefore have actual starting points for assuming the violation, for example because you have noticed the violation yourself or have made reliable inquiries. Pure speculation is not covered by whistleblower protection. *
Statement on data protection: When processing the data you have entered, the whistleblower office of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority will observe the provisions of whistleblower protection to ensure the confidentiality of your data.*


Choosing the focus of the violation

From the list below, please select the focus or entry that best applies to your message. *