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Stand:updated on 07.06.2024 | Topic Consumer protection BaFin’s Consumer Advisory Council

In accordance with section 8a of the German Act Establishing the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanzdienstleistungsaufsichtsgesetz), a Consumer Adivsory Council is established at BaFin.

The Consumer Advisory Council is responsible for advising BaFin on issues related to its supervisory duties from a consumer’s perspective. The Consumer Advisory Council collects, analyses and reports to BaFin data relating to current developments in the banking and insurance businesses and in the areas of financial services and financial instruments (“consumer trends”).

The Consumer Advisory Council comprises representatives from academia, consumer and investor protection organisations, extrajudicial dispute resolution schemes and one representative from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz – BMUV).

Members of the Consumer Advisory Council

Members of the Consumer Advisory Council Members of the Consumer Advisory Council (from left to right): Prof. Christoph Brömmelmeyer, Prof. Peter Rott, Sandra Klug, Prof. Petra Buck-Heeb, Dr Erich Paetz, Michael Weinhold (guest), Dr Bernhard Seyderhelm, Stephan Kühnlenz, Christiane Hölz and Dr Sibylle Kessal-Wulf). (c) BaFin Members of the Consumer Advisory Council

The Chairperson of the Consumer Advisory Council is Dorothea Mohn (not pictured above).

The Chairperson of the Consumer Advisory Council is Dorothea Mohn (not pictured above). Dorothea Mohn private The Chairperson of the Consumer Advisory Council is Dorothea Mohn (not pictured above).

As at: May 2024

Representatives from academia

Prof. Brömmelmeyer, Christoph
Prof. Buck-Heeb, Petra
Prof. Rott, Peter

Representatives from consumer and investor protection organisations

Hölz, Christiane
Klug, Sandra
Kühnlenz, Stephan
Mohn, Dorothea (Chairperson)

Representatives from extrajudicial dispute resolution schemes

Dr. Dr. Müller-Christmann, Bernd
Dr. Kessal-Wulf, Dr. Sibylle
Dr. Seyderhelm, Bernhard

Representative from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

Dr Paetz, Erich

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