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Stand:updated on 06.04.2023 | Topic Compliance Officer for monitoring private financial transactions under section 11a of the FinDAG

With the aim of preventing insider trading and conflicts of interest, BaFin has established an internal reporting and monitoring procedure for the private financial transactions of its staff. This procedure is implemented by the Executive Board’s responsible officer under section 11a of the Act Establishing the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanzdienstleistungsaufsichtsgesetz – FinDAG).

Since it was established, BaFin has had in place an internal procedure for monitoring the private financial transactions of its staff (section 11a of the FinDAG, previously section 28/16a of the Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – WpHG)).

By means of prohibitions, risk categorisation and reporting obligations, BaFin’s monitoring procedure is designed to ensure that BaFin’s staff do not use non-public information that they (may) gain access to in the context of their professional duties for private financial transactions. The Executive Board has appointed an officer for monitoring private financial transactions in accordance with section 11a of the FinDAG. The officer under section 11a of the FinDAG further develops the monitoring procedure, carries out checks, and reports to BaFin's Executive Board. In addition to the rules under section 11a of the FinDAG, BaFin’s official instructions for private financial transactions also apply.

Contact:Of­fi­cer un­der sec­tion 11a of the FinD­AG

Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
Central Compliance (ZC)
Dr Daniela Schafaghi / confidential
Postbox: 1253
53002 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 4108 - 0
Fax: 0228 / 4108 - 1550

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