BaFin - Navigation & Service

Stand:updated on 16.07.2020 | Topic Working at BaFin Human Resources Development


Success is a matter of adjusting one's efforts to obstacles and one's abilities to a service needed by others. (Henry Ford)

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Our Understanding

Dynamic markets, complex tasks and regulatory frameworks that are in a constant state of development – this is our daily reality. The financial sector we supervise plays an essential role for Germany’s economic development and thus for Europe’s economic development. And this sector itself is experiencing rapid development. Digital technologies, big data and sustainability are just some of the issues that are increasingly affecting the markets and presenting us with new challenges. Our employees are always having to explore new territory. Consequently, the focus of our work is sustainable human resources development that is geared towards skills and performance and that sets clear priorities: establishing a new, agile culture of learning and following a holistic approach to development for employees and managers.

What we offer

Learning is work – and work is learning. As an employer, BaFin offers its staff comprehensive possibilities for enhancing their professional, social and methodological expertise. Thanks to a wide variety of tasks in a number of different supervisory areas and sectors, our employees have diverse opportunities to take an active role and utilise their strengths to help move BaFin forward into the future. Temporary assignments to other German and European authorities also help BaFin staff expand their own perspective and gain international experience.

Qualification | Development | Innovation | Leadership

Qualification a top priority
We identify current, relevant issues for all employees and, based on these topics, offer comprehensive qualification opportunities for developing professional, methodological and personal skills. Our staff can make use of many different national and international joint training initiatives – especially with the Deutsche Bundesbank, the European Central Bank and the other European Supervisory Authorities.

Professional development, vertical and lateral
By changing to other responsibilities, employees can become acquainted with work in various areas within BaFin and enhance their existing skills as well as develop new ones. And beyond the traditional career paths, there are opportunities for lateral career moves that enable staff to make full use of their personal potential and expand their expertise.

Driving innovation together
BaFin seeks to identify employees with particular potential and to support and encourage them in accordance with their individual abilities, skills or qualifications. We have exciting tasks to offer talented staff. At BaFin, those seeking to drive innovation find the space and opportunity to make change happen.

Leadership – responsibility, appreciation and courage
To strengthen BaFin’s new managers in their role, but also to make expectations and the variety of tasks clear, BaFin will be offering a manager curriculum that provides guidance and support. This individualised and systematic onboarding process will help to ensure new managers have a successful start. In addition, over time, all managers will be provided with a number of courses and opportunities for dialogue to ensure they continue to grow in their leadership role. BaFin’s aim is to establish a common understanding of leadership for the entire organisation.

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