BaFin - Navigation & Service

Fintech contact form

You can use this contact form to send us enquiries about your fintech business model, the use of innovative financial technologies or a possible fintech-related cooperation with an authorised institution.

Information about the supervisory treatment of fintech business models and innovative financial technologies and on authorisation and ongoing supervision can be found under “Fintech Innovation Hub” (entsprechende Verlinkung). We also recommend that you consult our guidance notices (Link zum Bereich) on activities requiring authorisation and our FAQs (Link), which may already provide an answer to your enquiry.

Under “What you need to know about the Fintech contact form”, you will find helpful information for your enquiry.

What you need to know about the Fintech contact form

Who can submit an enquiry using the Fintech contact form?

The contact form is primarily designed for companies in early project phases, (as yet) unauthorised market participants and technical service providers. The contact form is, of course, also available to institutions and insurance companies that have already been authorised, as well as other third parties. If there are already direct communication channels in place between you and BaFin, we ask that you use these.

What requirements does your enquiry have to meet?

Only enquiries that are specific can be examined and answered. For us to examine your enquiry, in particular with regard to the authorisation requirement, we would ideally need a detailed description of the business model, contract documents (templates, drafts, terms and conditions) if available, and a list of the companies involved in the business model (e.g. affiliated companies). In addition, of course, it is also possible to submit enquiries requesting guidance for an early stage of the procedure.

At which stage of your intended business activities should you submit an enquiry?

An enquiry is possible at any stage of the procedure in which a specific question arises on the basis of a solid business plan for the intended activities.

Please note that conducting business and/or providing services requiring authorisation without first obtaining authorisation is a criminal offence. Therefore, if you wish to send us an enquiry – especially regarding the assessment of possible authorisation requirements – you must do so in good time before commencing with your business activities.

What will happen once you have submitted your enquiry using the Fintech contact form?

Your enquiry will be sent on to the responsible division for examination. This BaFin division will first send you a confirmation of receipt and key data regarding your enquiry (reference number, responsible staff member, etc.). We respond to enquiries as quickly as possible. If your enquiry is more complex, the supervisory inspection will require more time. It is also possible that we will need to ask you for additional information and/or documentation in order to reach a final assessment of your intended business activities.

Although our statutory functions include authorisation to issue information on specific supervisory issues and to comment on our administrative practices, we are not authorised to provide legal advice. Please bear in mind, therefore, that the information we provide cannot replace legal advice.

Fintech contact form

In this connection, please see our guidance notices and FAQs, which may already provide an answer to your enquiry.

Information about the company and/or person operating the company:

Information regarding the intended business activities:

Please assign your intended activities to a business model or an innovative financial technology, where possible; if the activities relate to several business models, please submit one enquiry for each business model: *

Your request

Your enquiry involves the following focus areas (if your enquiry relates to several areas, please submit one enquiry for each focus area): *
Companies involved in your business model* (i.e. specific cooperations and work distribution models in place, any other parties involved in your processes, any other companies participating in your company (shareholders)): *
Please keep in mind that files may also contain hidden personal information. If you wish to remain anonymous, remove this information before uploading.
If you make an incorrect entry, all uploaded files will be deleted.

* Mandatory field

Note: Your enquiry will be made anonymous and used for BaFin's FAQs in such a way that no conclusions can be drawn about the details of your enquiry. Please consult the applicable data protection statement data protection statement.