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Update Overview

12.03.2024Crypto tokensNew FAQ added: Would ETFs (exchange traded funds) like the “bitcoin ETF” traded in the US – enabling investment in crypto assets such as bitcoin – be permitted in Germany and Europe?
09.08.2023Activities in connection with crypto assets in accordance with MiCAUpdate With the entry into force of the MiCA regulation on June 29, 2023, the site was extensively revised
11.05.2023GlossaryThe term "Privacy Coin" has been added
11.05.2023Crypto tokensLink to technical article in BaFinJournal (03/2023) with background information on NFT and its technical classification.
10 01.2023Crypto tokensNew FAQ added: Can insurance undertakings consider using crypto asset investments for their guarantee assets (Sicherungsvermögen)?
06.01.2023GlossaryThe term "Wallet" has been added
21 11.2022Open Banking und Open FinanceNew EU developments; new expert article under additional information